cracked driveways can be caused by tomuch weight being applied to an area settleing of the driveway or freezeing water getting in to micro cracks If your driveway has a crack under a 1/2 inch you may be able to save it by caulking the crack. caulking the crack prevents water from getting in an freezing causing the crack to grow. For Cracks over 1/2 inch this method wil be less effective and replacing the driveway will become nessasry click below to learn about this prosses
sinking and heaving driveways can be caued by settleing, tree roots or pour dranage if your drive way is heaving there are afew options. a lowcost temporary repair is to grind the heaved surface down flush with the rest of the walk way. the better corect way to repair this is to cut out the secotion that has heaved and repalce it. if your driveway is sinking you have 2 options as well the lowcost temporary option is to mud jack or foam jack the drive way back in to place. the better option is to cut out the failing section and replace the correct way.
Cracked or uneven sidewalks can ocure when proper soil prep and compaction is not done, when a near by tree sends a root under the concrete or some times due to pour drainage For a Cracked or uneven side walk the best option is relpacement of the walkway but we have had good longterm sucsess on areas that vehicales do not drive on just grinding down the un even areas getting you several more years out of a walk way.
Spalling occurs if the concrete was not worked properly durring instalation. if the prosses is rushed there is not enought fine agregate brought to the top and this creates a week top layer. if your driveway is spalling your choises are limmeted depending on the sevarity of the spalling just living with it is normaly the best option. if the spalling is severe the only method that we have found works with total certanty in colorado is full replacement of the driveway.